What is a Cookie? Which is its utility?
A Cookie is a small file sent to the browser and saved in your device when you visit a website.
Cookies allow a website to work efficiently and improve its performance. Furthermore, they give to the website owner statistical and advertising information for customizing you surfing experience remembering your personal preferences (such as your selected Language and Currency, recognizing you in your further visits, etc.).
Which Cookies are we using? For which finalities?
Our website uses several types of cookies and similar technologies and each of them has a specific role. Please find below an explicative table.
Cookie Type and function
Starting from the very first access to our website, these cookies allow the website to work correctly and to show its contents on your device recognizing your language and the marketplace of the Country you have selected to connect. If you are a registered user, these cookies will allow the website to recognize you and letting you access to our offered services and dedicated areas. Navigation Cookies are technical ones and are necessary to the website for working properly.
Functional Cookies
Basing on your expressed requests, these Cookies allow the website to recognize you on every further visit of the website without having to insert your personal information each time. If you have added articles to your shopping cart, these cookies will allow you to continue your purchasing the next time you will access the website maintaining your previous selected items.
Analytic Cookies
These Cookies are used for realizing statistical analyses based on the user navigation modalities on our website. Italia dei Sogni treats the results of these analyses in an anonymous way and exclusively for statistical purposes only if the service provider uses Cookies connected with his browser or on the devices used for surfing in the website. Our website uses third party services, which install their own Cookies independently.
Third Party Cookies
Third Party Cookies are Cookies sent to third party companies of our trust. These Cookies allow the website to offer you our commercial proposal on other partner websites (retargeting). We do not manage the control on the information of the Third Party Cookies and we do not have the access to these data. These information are totally managed by third party societies based on what described in the respectively privacy policy.
Social Networks Cookies
These Cookies are necessary for allowing your social account to interact with our website. For example, they let you express your appreciation for the products and the website sharing it with your friends on the social networks. Social Networks Cookies are not mandatory for surfing on the website.
How can I disable Cookies and managing my preferences?
The majority of the browsers is set up for accepting, managing or in case disabling Cookies through the Settings panels. However, we remind you that disabling Navigation and/or Functional Cookies may cause the website to malfunction and/or limiting our offered services.
Please find below the steps to follow for managing Cookies in different browsers:
- IE: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies
- Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11913
- Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-IT&hlrm=fr&hlrm=en
- Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/it-IT/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
For further information about Cookies and for managing your preferences about user profiling of third party Cookies we kindly invite you to visit http://www.youronlinechoices.com.